Monday, January 30, 2012

Photo shoot in Manila

While I was in the Philippines, we decided to take advantage of a few free hours one morning, and do a photo shoot.  Heather is my brother's wife, and Sharon and Kezia are the two other American women on staff there at the center.  All three of them have inspired me by their commitment to following God wherever He leads, and I had such a fun week with them.  They've made many sacrifices to serve there in the Philippines, and I'm grateful for their friendship.  The three of them are planning on starting a blog soon to chronicle their experiences and adventures while working with the students at the center, and living overseas...they wanted some pictures of the three of them together for the blog, and I was happy to be their photographer. :)

The guys took us down to an old Spanish fort in Manila, and were kind enough 
to be our patient bodyguards and purse holders when we needed them. :)  
I loved the texture and look of the old walls and buildings...




We finished up with a stop at Starbucks :) 

I'm home in Pittsburgh again, and so thankful for the memories and pictures of my time there.  
God is so good. :)

Blessings to you all...thanks to those of you who were praying as we were traveling,
Rachel Elisabeth

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