Monday, April 9, 2012

Elizabeth {Nursing School Graduation}

Liz has been a wonderful friend of mine for many years...she's one of my sisters that's not really a sister, but could be because of how close we've been. :)  I'm so grateful for my friendships like that...the beautiful women that God has placed in my life to walk alongside of me.  
Liz is one of those women...
we've dreamed, laughed, cried, worked and had fun together...
we've watched God do amazing things in our hearts and in the lives of those close to us.  
And though He's given us slightly different dreams for the future, I'm always blessed by talking with her, and hearing her passion for Jesus and excitement at what's He has been teaching her.

At the end of February, Liz graduated from nursing school, and we thought it would be fun to take the opportunity to do a photo shoot. :)  So, on a gorgeous, early April afternoon, we went into Oakland to do photos in and around Phipps Conservatory.

Liz, congratulations on this huge achievement!  You are gorgeous, friend, but have an even more beautiful heart because of what you've allowed God to work in you.  Thank you for your smile, and for always inspiring me to follow Him harder.  And you never know...maybe someday we'll get to open that bakery. :)  I still think it would be a blast to work with you... :) Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, you are beautiful - inside and out!! And Rachel, the pictures are gorgeous.... :)
