Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Photo Booth Fun

So this was my first experience shooting "photo booth style", and it was a blast!  My sister Bex wanted a photo booth at her graduation party, and she did the majority of the work in assembling all the props...she put together a fabulous array of dress-up clothes and props...

...the girls all loved it...

...the boys...not so much. :)

I learned a few things..., make sure the backdrop is ironed next time...

...and strictly ban from the general area the use of water guns or
anything that might create spots on the backdrop.

It was great seeing everyone's personalities come out in how they dressed up...

Fun times!!  Definitely worth the little extra time and effort :)


  1. One word: epic :D :D These are so fun!!! how Dollyanne held the lips up backwards :P Thanks so much, Rach!! You da bomb ;)

  2. Wow, What a Excellent post. I really found this to much informatics. It is what i was searching for.I would like to suggest you that please keep sharing such type of info.Thanks Photo Booth Backdrops
