Monday, April 16, 2012

Welcome Home

Several weeks ago, I had the privilege of helping out a photographer friend of mine with a special photo session.  Elizabeth asked me to come assist her at the Pittsburgh airport - she had been asked to photograph the reunion of a military family, and wanted to make sure she had it covered from several angles. 

The wife of the soldier coming home was the one that organized the session, and she wanted us to be as discreet as possible, so her daughters didn't notice us taking pictures.  Even though the lighting was dim, and the situation not ideal from a photography standpoint, I loved this experience - it was quite special to watch the excitement on the faces of the little girls waiting for their daddy to come home after 7 months of being overseas.  I have so much respect for military families, and am very grateful 
for the sacrifices they all make on a daily basis for the freedom of this country.  
We all enjoy the benefits of their willingness to serve.   


  1. Thank yo uso much for being there to take the photos with Elizabeth! We love these - they are great! Can't wait to share with everyone!! Lisa Pennington

    1. Lisa, it was my privilege to be there...and I'm so glad you like the photos! I was happy to help capture this special moment for your lovely family. Blessings to you all.
