Sunday, September 16, 2012

{Baby William}

When I was 4 years old, I had a best friend named Jessica.
She lived right across the street from me, and we spent most of our free time together.
We rode bikes, went sled riding, set up house in her little playhouse (I thought she was the luckiest girl on the street to have such a fun place to play), explored the woods down over the hill, ran a lemonade stand (on our dead-end street...never did too well, but had fun all the same)...even argued like real sisters.

We have videos of she and I "helping" my brother Andrew open his presents on his 2nd birthday...he was such a good sport and was usually happy to put up with our girl play as long as he could be a part of it, too (he loved being the baby when we played "house").

At that age, I couldn't imagine ever not being close to Jessica, but as the years passed, it happened.  
My family moved away when Jessica and I were 10...not too far away, but even then, I knew our friendship would never be the same.  And we did gradually lose touch with each other as we pursued different things...

Then, about a year ago, we found each other on facebook, and started reconnecting a bit.  I knew that she had gotten married several years ago, and was excited to learn that she was expecting a baby.  
Jessica and her husband welcomed their son, William, into their little family at the beginning of July, and I had the priviledge of doing his newborn photos.  It was so good to see Jessica again, and catch up on what's been happening in each other's lives.  And they have the cutest little baby. :) 

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