Wednesday, February 23, 2011

girl's weekend

This past weekend, some of my good friends and coworkers had a girl's night.  We took a long walk in the fading afternoon light...

...and watched a gorgeous sunset.

We laughed....and cried.  We watched a long, wonderful movie, and did each other's nails.

Of course, we ate...and ate. :)  Tiramisu, chocolate covered peanuts (hand delivered from North Carolina), and the Pioneer Woman's amazing cinnamon rolls.

(Umm...we didn't eat all of those...LOL...though we could have...had we not thought better of it....
The recipe in her cookbook makes enough to feed a small army).  

And throughout all of our fun girl-time, I was thinking.... "Why is it that sometimes it takes the idea of leaving someone or something to make us realize how much we value that part of our life?"  I'll be leaving the office I've been working at for over 2 years soon now...God is clearly moving me on, and I'm excited about what He's doing.  But some of these coworkers...have grown to be very close friends and sisters in Christ.  I'm going to miss seeing them every day...and spending the weekend together made me realize how truly blessed I've been with the people God's put in my life.  

{Diana - she's an amazing friend and woman of God}

So, all of that to say...I've been thinking that I need to stop more often and look around.  
And enjoy each moment to the fullest.  

Rachel Elisabeth

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Isaiah 30

"For thus saith the Lord God...
     'In returning and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.'

Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you,
   and therefore He exalts Himself to show mercy to you...
       blessed are all those who wait for Him.  He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry.

As soon as He hears it, He answers you...And though the Lord give you the {bread of adversity} and the {water of affliction}, yet your Teacher will not hide Himself anymore...
and your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, 
'This is the way, walk in it'."  

(excerpts from Isaiah 30)

{I found this picture in my files the other day and it made me smile...I dearly love these little girls - their love for life and it's simple joys inspires me all the time}

May you find peace and rest in His promises today.
Rachel Elisabeth

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cabin Fever

We've had lots and lots of snow lately...

...and it keeps coming down.

I think the chickens have cabin fever...

...can't say that I blame them.

But there is hope...we saw robins this week, and spring is in the air...

...I promise. :)

Blessings to you all as you enjoy these last few weeks of snow and winter,
Rachel Elisabeth