Tuesday, August 30, 2011


All around me the world is changing, hearts are breaking like glass
          Across the oceans, wars are waging, who knows how long they’ll last
   It’s so hard not to live in fear, of all the pain the {future} may hold
                       Harder still holding on to faith, holding on to truth, holding on at all.

Oh, but He is good, and He is faithful
                                                    there's no changing that
          Oh how He loves us, and He will keep us
                    There's no changing that, no changing that

As I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep
                   Of this I am confident, that He hears my prayer before I speak
He sent His Spirit to live in me, that I may know his voice
                       He leads my wandering heart, into His presence
                                                                                  {Into joy} 

   -No Changing That, by Ronnie Freeman


Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Camp

One of the things I enjoy the most about my job with White Fields Foundation is the ministry opportunities it facilitates.  A good portion of my job involves office work, 
but occasionally I get the chance to help with various outreaches.
Several days ago, we took a group of about 30 inner-city boys that have been involved with the sports ministry this year to an overnight camp out in the country.  The baseball season just ended, and this was kind of one final hurrah before summer is over and school starts back up. 

The camp is located on a beautiful piece of property that borders the Quemahoning Reservoir.  
I absolutely loved being there to watch the kids get off the bus and see their faces as they slowly realized what all they were going to have the opportunity to do during their two-day stay.  

Canoeing, sports, climbing wall, zip-line...the boys had the chance to do all of these activities, which were interspersed with several Biblical teaching sessions, and meals, of course. :)
For the most part, I was free to take pictures, and just get to know some of the boys that were there.  
I hung out with the little tee-ball guys (6-8 years old) for most of the day, and a few of them managed to capture my heart in the process. :)  Here are some of my favorite images from the day:

{these two are brothers, Malik and Junior...it was so sweet to watch the older brother look out for his younger brother, who couldn't get his hearing aids wet, and needed help with them}

Many of the boys had never been canoeing before...it was so fun to watch them trying to learn, 
and see the whole range of reactions...from "This is awesome!!" to "I'm scared..Mommy! We're going to tip...take me back!!" to "Shark! I think I saw a shark!" {LOL...that's one thing they probably didn't need to worry about coming across in the reservoir}

Kickball team rally...

Climbing wall instruction...

One of the highlights for the kids was the time they got to spend in the pool.  It was a beautiful pool facility, overlooking the lake...complete with a diving board, a huge slide, and a bounce cushion.

One person would sit on the edge of the bounce cushion, 
another would jump from a higher diving board...

...and bounce them into the air before they landed back in the pool.

Before ending this, I wanted to share something that one of the kids said to me towards the end of the first day there.  We were standing in line waiting for dinner, and I was talking to some of the little boys.  One of the boys standing next to me was the son of a volunteer coach that is very involved with our ministry - during our conversation, they asked if he was my brother.
I told them that he wasn't my brother, but he was my friend..."and so are you" I said, 
pointing back at the little boy that had asked the question.
I didn't think anything of it at the time, but several minutes later, after walking away, I realized that one of the boys that had listened to the conversation had followed me.  I turned to him and he asked me quietly "Can I be your friend too?"  Oh goodness, he was so sweet...totally melted my heart. 
And it made me sad at the same time, realizing that some of those kids there were so desperate for love and attention and friendship.  I came away challenged to remember that there are many hurting children and adults around me, and I need to pray more that I would see them as Jesus sees them...and be willing to put aside my needs and agenda, and love them as He does.  So easy to say, but unfortunately it often takes situations like that to remind me how to do it.

Blessings to you all,
Rachel Elisabeth

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Over the past few years, as my interest in photography has grown, I have had a few people that have come alongside me to share their knowledge and experience in this area.
Kelsey is one of those people.  
Probably one of my biggest sources of inspiration, actually, as a photographer and as a friend.  
She is a very talented photographer, and I have had the privilege of learning from her, and watching her business grow as she's given it to God and allowed Him to use her.  
She's been very patient with my many questions and learning blunders, and I'm very grateful for her.
Oh, and I bought my camera from her too...it's been a wonderful tool for me to learn on :)  

Recently, Kelsey and I spent a day in Washington D.C.  We had a blast walking around Georgetown and taking photos of each other.  I learn best from trial and error, and was so happy for the opportunity to learn more from her...not to mention the great fun we always have when we have when we're together. :)

There were so many cute little places in Georgetown for photo ops...

I love her eyes...they're very striking.

We found this cute little sign that read "This is a chocolate shop.  It's a happy place...please come in :)"
So we did...and it was a happy place :)

Kelsey took this one of me...

...and of course, we had to get our usual shadow photo.

Check out her blog if you get a chance...you'll be amazed, I promise.  
I just wish she lived closer than California. :)

Thanking God for the beautiful gift of friendship,
Rachel Elisabeth

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Matthew 6:33-34

I love the perspective of a child...there's a freedom and simple trust in their actions that time unfortunately alters.  They take such delight in the little blessings God gives each day, and live for the moment, 
trusting that the future is in good hands.  
That's something that God has been reinforcing over and over in my life lately.  
So often, I miss what He has for me today because I'm worried about what may be coming tomorrow.  He is more than worthy of my trust, and when my focus is on Him, will give such freedom and peace.

This picture makes me smile...and reminds me that the kingdom of Heaven is full of those who have the
simple faith of a child {Matthew 19:13-14}.

"But seek first His kingdom, and all {these things} will be given to you as well.  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Matthew 6:33-34

Rachel Elisabeth

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Baby Charlie

This little sweetheart is so adorable I couldn't resist posting a few photos of him before I finished editing all of the photos from his session.